Sunday, February 1, 2009

Good Times

Hello. I liked this weekend mann. I've met a new friend mann and like.. WHERE THE FUCK WAS HE IN MIDDLE SCHOOL! I'm so serious mann, like this guy is like hella dope mann. BK's dope mann. We gotta shmack duude. me you and don mann. haha alright. Me&Kimmy. We're doing super well right now mann, it's just that we're tryin to make up a couple days by kickin it. haha, "just kickin it?" Nah mann, watch Pineapple Express together mann. LOL. Hey baby? Let's kickit =] "ohh yeeaa mann" mann, we gotta take a vacation, "Just the two of us" hunn. We need a good day just the two of us =] I'd hella like that, and I hope that you would too? =] *sigh.. Yeea, I'll just wait til' the day that we do. but for now, we'll chill at my house and over the weekends. =] Alright baby guurl? haha I'M T-PAIN BABY! LMAO!! alright, that's all I have to say. Tune-in til next time for another blogSPOT post. Text me. I'm out. oh.. I LOVE YOU KIM NIEBRES. AND I SAY THAT WITH LOVE BABY GUURL =]