Monday, January 5, 2009

Last Day

Before I go back to school. Tomorrow + school + drumline = BAD MUHFUCKIN DAY. Except the part where I get to see my girlfriend. TODAY. O.O" Wasn't a real good day for me. I woke up at I think 10:40am this morning?? Don't remember the time, but I do remember texting the girly when I woke up. Asked her if she was coming over, but she don't know how she's gettin to my house because no one's gonna be home and she don't know if she wants to bike all the way to my house. That's over the freeway. x__x I dont know.. She said is it okay if I just go over to American Canyon with her, katie, and moki. I don't know, it was kinda far. But it really wasn't. I was debating on if I should go? Or I shouldn't go there. It was still morning and I said FUCK IT. hahaha. I'll just surprise her at her doorstep. =] The trip to her house was a fuckin nightmare! OMG! A fuckin car ran right in front of me while i was biking! That shit ain't cool. I was about to raise hell right there on the road.. nah, I couldn't do that. I lied.. I went to kim's house to see if I can surprise her but I guess the garage was open and I was gonna go in. I didn't want to go inside like that, because there were cars outside? So, I just went up the court of her house. I called her and HER PARENTS WERE HOME! Fuck that shit.. I called her and she said to just wait there. I waited it out.. Her parents left and I went down to see my baby guurl. =] FUUCK, I HAVEN'T SEEN HER IN HELLA LONG! EVER SINCE CHRISTMAS DAY! I was so happy when I saw her.. Oh mann, I was about to cry nigga. OH MY GOD.. I didn't want to leave her outta my sight AT ALL. Yea, so we went inside her house and showed me briefly downstairs and she took my hand and kept on pulling me upstairs and then she showed me her room. LMAO!! It IS girly! Oh well, like I mean it's not THAT girly.. But it's cool? You got A LOT of flowers in your room hun. haha. Anyways, we were going to Solano middle to meet up with Katie and Moki. We went downstairs to leave but as soon as Kim opened the garage door, speak of the devil.. jk... BUT HER MOM WAS PULLED UP INTO THE DRIVEWAY! WHAT THE FUCK NIGGA! Another day ruined?! gadamnit.. She got introuble and so I left without her because she told me to leave and I guess she'll meet up with me. she didnt.. She had to go with her mom to Santa Rosa with her auntie. =[ whhyyy baby..? (alright, I'll finish off the blog now because I'm getting sleepy.) I met up with moki on my way to the school and we went decided to go to Katie's place. Katie wasn't home yet so me and moki kicked at the park in THE DAMN COLD. We texted Katie to come over because it was cold. We went to her house and sat down and watched tv for a bit. We went upstairs to play the wii, and after that we got hungry. Went down to Jack In The Box, ate there, moki left, me and katie went to her place. On our way there her brother stopped in the middle of the street yelling at Katie to come with her back home. I thought in my head that.. "WTF?! I'm getting EVERYONE introuble today!" Katie told her brother to get my bike at her place and drop me off home. I said it's okay I'll walk to her house and get my bike myself and go home. I didn't want to waist his gas.. I got there, got the bike, said thanks, and said goodbye to Katie. I was riding in the dark.. -.- I don't know why I decided to get up this morning and do what I just did today. I'm so dumb for this.. It was POINTLESS for me doing that. I got my girlfriend introuble for seeing her & got my girlfriend's bestfriend introuble for being out I guess.. I'm badluck, stay away from me. Today was just a "Natural Disaster".. I'm sorry. =/ Oh here's something from today. Everywhere I go your on my mind hun. I love you =] Text me. I'm out.