Wednesday, January 14, 2009


oh no.. What have I done. That was just a childish move that i've just done.. Just because you've had the worst 2 weeks ever, doesnt mean you take it out on your girlfriend. 1. you've got bad grades 2. Your parents take you out of Drumline almost forever, and 3. you get mad at something so incredibly not worth your time to get mad at and you do so anyways. at the end, you go around hurting the one that has you heart. It's not something you can do and get away with it. You can't get a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again for what you've done. No.. You think she deserves this? You think just because your her boyfriend it's okay for YOU to be doing that? huh? NO. Do you even have a damn clue how much you've hurt the one that has your Heart and your Love? Just think about it.. Just close your eyes and imagine yourself in her shoes getting kicked, pushed around, and pretty much harassed by your boyfriend. You'd get your damn feelings hurt so much you wont be able to breathe.

How am I suppose to fix this.. I don't know what to do anymore. it's ALWAYS me that's makin drama or some OTHER shit happen like this. She doesn't deserve this at all. She's my girlfriend for christ sake. Help me please.