Monday, January 19, 2009

Kim Dao's bday

Nike SB "Venoms" sz10.5 worn x3 $85 OBO
Happy birthday Kimmay. Today was a good day. But it would have been a lot better if my girlfriend came along, but she was feeling under weather.. She's sick once again. =/ daymnit hunnay.. Get better, because I said so. So today was Kim's birthday party/kick it/do whatever. Her plans for today was to go bowling, shopping, chevy's, and watch a movie. She cut out the shopping part because it was too late the Vacaville outlets closed a little too early. I was suppose to buy my girlfriend some thing, but oh well. first round of bowling was cool, it was just too damn hot in the bowling alley? X_X Rodney is a fuckin beast at bowling! But he'd never beat me at it. =] haha, I won.. Well, he on the first round and I won the second. yes, we all went bowling twice. *damn I need a camera. after bowling was a dinner at Chevy's because bday girl wants to go eat some mexican "meat". I wasn't that hungry so I just got a Virgin Pina Colada for the night. ugh.. I had to piss hella bad to I went toward the bathroom at the gas station because Chevy's bathroom was hella nasty. I had to wait hella long at the Chevron's bathroom.. -_- gadaymn.. after that, I picked up a Monster because I was hella tired and then we left for Vallejo to watch a movie. got to the movies, got the tickets, played DDR, and went in the theatre. Mall Cop was the movie. some parts were funny and MOST of the parts was boring the FUCK outta me. After watching mall cop, we all just kicked at kim's house for the night. we could only stay at her house for an hour because they're family's going to church in the morning. cool cool. I want Kim's dad's camera yo! UGH. X__X kiss nuts.. The day was a good day. =] I liked it. except for the part when I would always think of my girlfriend every damn second. =[ I missed you, and your ALWAYS on Shpottay's mind bay bay. =] I love you, thank you and Goodnight. text me. I'm out.

I want this one.