Sunday, February 8, 2009


mann.. Why couldn't my girlfriend go to the crab feed on Friday? =[ I was really sad.. I missed Mrs. Kimmmy BAYBEH! haha. Yea I hella did. So like the crab feed was nice, I'll tell you more about it on Monday. =]kay? well, this morning I didn't wake-up until like 11:30 this mornin or 12.. I was sooo fcking tired. And MY GIRLFRIEND CALLED ME! She called me from her house phone. And I missed the call! I was so ready to call her back and ask wsup, but I didn't want to get her or me introuble for the day. And I was also going to ask her if I can go kickit with Don, BK, Kim, and Rodney at Kim Dao's house today. I felt soo bad that I couldn't even get a hold of her without getting in trouble. =/ soo.. I love you Kimmy =]