Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Hello. *sigh... This morning wasn't very cool. I woke up feeling like I haven't drank anything in years. I believe I'm sick.. -_- Kim didn't get me sick. I got myself sick by not wearing a jacket yesterday morning. oh well, I made a mistake that I have to deal with. So I got to school and I was late for class because of ALLL THE DAMN HOMEWORK THAT I HAVE TO DO FROM MS. HILLS CLASS. X___X I hate her so MUCH.. But what can I do? nothing that is. I pretty cold today, since I didn't bring a jacket.. AGAIN. geez, When will I ever listen. But yea, school was school. And Kim's sick. She told me yesterday while I was leaning against her that she couldn't breathe. she was TRYING to tell me what's wrong and that she couldn't breathe. But I don't bother to listen to what she had to tell me which was really important. I should've listened to her instead of messing around like that. I've gotten her in a REAL bad condition right now. I feel bad for doing that to her.. Yekno.. lately I've been very selfish and uncaring toward my girlfriend AND unfair. I've been very moody and strictly bipolar to her as well. i don't know what I'm doing, I need to stop being like this and just stop to look at what I'm doing right now. Maybe the reason why I'm becoming like this is because of ALL THE DAMN DRUGS that I've used in my past. The drugs I've used in the past is NOW affecting me in the future, which is now. I shouldn't have done drugs in the first place.. It's not anybody else's fault but MINE. It doesn't hurt to say no. *sigh.. I have the best girlfriend of all time. she's been there 100% of the time for me. But I guess I'm not being appreciative enough for her. god.. I've been fucking up.. And I blame myself for everything. Doing drugs back then, is now fucking up my life today. But.. -_- I guess that's a mistake that I have to live with.