Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hello. I haven't actually blogged in quite a while. There are so many things that I've been thinking of lately that I'd just want to say.

Dotty. I've been teaching my little brother ALL OF MY KNOWLEDGE about drumming the last two seasons. My god.. Theres just soo much to say about him. His understanding about a DRUM and a pair of STICKS is just SO GODAMN AMAZING how he can just put those two things together and generate music. God.. THERE-IS-JUST-TOO-MUCH-TOO-SAY about Nicholas. He's already surpassed my level of drumming when I was at that age. He has passed my skills of drumming WAY BEYOND me.. My god.. I don't know what to say about him really? I just dont know.. Every single word in my mind is just going crazy right now. I'm trying to gather words to say about him but, I'm unable to come through with words for my little brother. He's going to be a drummer more than I'll ever be..

Me. *sigh.. My drumming career seemed like it was coming to an end, the beginning of Winter Season. I didn't know if I'll ever be able to get in the line. I can't stand the fact that I couldn't Drum for Winter. I really felt heart broken because of that. I'm really in love with drumming. I breathe, sleep, eat, dream, and most importantly; LIVE DRUMMING. I just can't get away.. So, right now I'm feeling really sad.. Recently I've had a talk with Jordan about me joining drumline. That talk that I had with him really got to me, but I just couldn't show it. I was bummed that my instructors, or "brothers" I should say, setup the Spring show already and they have me set already in the show? AND FOR THE NEXT SEASONS TO COME! Look I'm a sophomore, not in drumline, and I have only 2 years left to go before I graduate. I'm HELLS FOR SURE NOT READY TO GRADUATE. I WANT TO FUCKING STAY THIS YOUNG AND NOT FUCKING GROW UP. I'M NOT READY DAMNIT! I have to do something.. Jordan said they want me in Spring. I have 1 month to get back into shape and 1 month to get my chops back up. Once I'm up to parr with the drumline and all.. For me? That won't be enough. I'm going to have to take it 1 step further or maybe even get to Blue Devils status? aha Yeah, I can say that I was Blue Devils material and I was ready.. But yea.. -_- It really makes me sad and it makes me angry at MYSELF that I'm not holding a pair of sticks and don't have a snare drum strapped to me. ALL I EVER WANTED TO DO IS TO DRUM. I get SOO GODAMN ANGRY at myself for not being out there on the competition floor.. But I WANT to join Spring. and you know what? I'm going to do it. I'm determined to get everything that I've lost, and take it ALL BACK. I'll be back.. I can guarantee you that Spotty will be back in drumline.

Kimmy. Babe? These past couple weeks have been the BEST! I really LOVE YOU! =] Spring Break? Hm, you know the first week of spring break with you even thought I only say you 3 times? I don't care. All that matters is that I got to see my Kimmy Niebres over Spring Break. The Saturday when we went to the CITY was really nice hunn. =] I loved it, and YEA we finally got our day in the city together! OH and plus Katie. ahah. And how about that RE-DO? Oh wait.. It NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED. But that Tuesday tho! OMFG! THAT WAS THE FUCKING BEST DAY EVER! You fucking LOVED that day, huh? =] I love you babe. and I mean it. And that day in the Hallway at Seffan Manor! damn.. I loved that day too! =]

I love you Kimmy =]

Kimmy. I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY DO LOVE YOU! %1000000000! And I wouldn't do anything to hurt you.. You know that? I know better now. I love you with all my heart babe.. &I mean it.. I'll never ever ever ever ever ever ever leave you. Did you know that i love you more than shoes? =] yes I do ahah. Yea.. i just want you to know that I love you! And I don't want you to think I'm gonna "Chop N Screw" you. Because babe, I'm NOT. I'm truthfully&deeply in love with you Kimmy.. I just want you to know this. I LOVE YOU! I'm NOT GONNA "CHOP N SCREW" YOU. Just know that.. okay? I-LOVE-YOU! I DO I DO! And I hope we can keep this relationship going until forever.. Kimmy, I want to be able in the next couple years to get down on one knee, and ask you to Marry Me. So please.. please.. please.. I want you to know FULLY. I; Christopher Bascara Niebres.. LOVES Kimberly Niebres.