Saturday, February 14, 2009

♥Happy Valentines Day

Baybeh. My day on Friday the 13th wasn't really a BAD day? I really thought I was going to have a bad day at school and after. But, I guess I was really LUCKY. Yea, REAL LUCKY to have thee best best most loving caring and thoughtful girlfriend of all time. And I say this with SOOO MUCH LOVE. So I woke-up this morning and what comes to mind? My girlfriend, shit.. I miss her. =/ I was suppose to go with the family to the Rodriguez comp but I woke up too late and they left early i the morning. But I managed to help thee fam load some of the equipment in the truck. So I said my goodbyes, goodlucks, Happy Valentines, and hopefully my brother gets first. I went back into my room, I rested for a while.. NO ONE WAS HOME. I was so bored. But my girlfriend called me and I didn't feel bored anymore. =] I felt really energetic! haha, I was super happy that I was talking to my girlfriend. haha. We talked for quite a long time in the morning? =/ We couldn't kickit today.. Making last minute plans? Sorry. Well my girlfriend went to SF with her mom and BF um.. BEST FRIEND. Yup, not me.. aha. They went shopping and bought a fat load of shtuff? hm, what did I get? I woonndeerr.. anywayss, The family's at comp my girlfriends in SF. And I'm at home ALONE. Talked to kim, and rode my bike and killed about 4hours just biking in the morning.. Then, I got a hold of Rodney, BK, Don, and Jerald. We decided to all do some BAD SHTUFF today. And we all went to Kim's place. There was soo many people at her house? they were all praying. Yea, so we were all there. hah, and my girlfriend calls again! I WAS SOO HAPPY. Sorry if I didn't feel happy, everyone in the room was just looking at me talk on the phone. She bought me a hat, lighter, &some kid robot shieet. ohh.. I love her, BUT justt because she bought me that stuff doesn't mean that's the reason why I love her so much. Kim, you already know how much I love you and MORE! haha. So she said that she bought me all that shtuff, but she was kinda bummed out that she couldn't get the belts & the wallets but she didn't or they didn't have anymore or just because. It's okay babe, I'll get us the matching wallet & belts. okay?=] sooo, I'm at Kim's house and we all had to get out at 9pm. I got out and left.. And I didn't know where to go? I didn't wanna go home. And what a coincidence.. My friend calls me and he says that he's watching a movie at century with his gf. So i told him to pick me up, and so we went to chill at his house. I stayed there for a bit and texted my girlfriend a little or A LOT. kinda..?? =/ aha. So, he dropped me off home and I got in my PJ'S and went to the playroom and just stayed there. *siigghh... You know? After everything that happened to day. NOT ONE SECOND IN TIME, did I stop thinking about my girlfriend. I love her sooo much. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how much love I have for her. =] Every time, I'm at home.. or out with the family.. or I'm out somewhere with my friends.. or just anywhere I'm at EVER in the world.. Kim.. you are ALWAYSS on my mind babe. Kim, I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART. And I say that with love. =] Happy Valentines Day