Saturday, January 24, 2009

To Do List

aye bay bay. Kinda stressful week for me.. =/ hated it. But my girlfriend made the week better. she ALWAYS does. My dad and my uncles went up to Tahoe friday and are coming back on Sunday evening?? aha, that ain't fair.. He said, "Only the guys are going up to the snow" But not ME?! What AM I to you then.. haha, a GIRL? fcuk that.. haha jk. Well, it's official that I'm not in DRUMLINE anymore. -_- kinda bummed out by not hearing the sound of music every Saturday music by my own hands. But then again, I have more time with my girlfriend? umm.. kinda? =/ hm, that's pretty much it that i have to say but that I love Kim Niebres ^_^

-get my geometry grade up
-start my job in Feb.
-save up $600 for SLR
-save up for speedlite
-sell my shoes/clothes
-ride my fixie more/learn more tricks
-work out
-love my girlfriend more
-love my girlfriend more
-love my girlfriend more
-be HAPPY =]
text me. im out.