Sunday, December 7, 2008


well.. I didnt actually BLOG all about you Kim =] I blogged about me for a little bit. haha your stuff is the one down there VV. Wow I haven't blogged in long ass time and this is like my first blog i think?? Besides the other blogs VV down there. I was just trying make some extra money =/. So, anyways.. What was i gonna say again...?? shit.. uhh.. um.. OH YEAH! I was TOLD to BLOG for SOMEONE. So, I'm going to start off with me =D. Everytime i meet new friends or they know me and THEN i finally meet them, they only know me by "Spot" because hardly ANYONE knows my real name! ahem* Which I'm NOT going to say haha, sorry beezys but if you wanna know my REAL name then I'm sorry you cant because I SAID SO! HAHAHAHA! Anyways.. My name Spot. I was in the sixth grade and I was in band. It was Wednesday and "Wacky Tacky Day". I wanted to dress up for wacky tacky day so I spiked my hair, i put on this white short sleeve shirt with my sleeves and army pants. OH! and my dad sprayed hair coloring on my spikey hair. He just sprayed teal spots all over my spikey head. haha. So, i went to school like that blah..blah..blah.. I wet through the day fine like that, you know how wacky tacky day is. =] haha. I was in Springstowne Middle School band. After school I stayed for band practice and after band practice I stayed a little while longer Drumline practice and i didnt really know about drumline, AND I wasnt planning on joing drumline back then. haha =p. So, there i was thee only one in the band room drumming on my drum pad sitting down on the stool drumming along with the other kids. While i was playing the drumline stopped and i was just listening to them arguing i think?? But yea, they had a problem; one of their basses quit on them because of some dumb shit, IDK? Then one of thee instructors told me to hop on a bass and they told me to play some exercises that i know. So, i played for them and right then i got the Spot! Yea, I was a little GERBER on top bass(1st Bass) in Drumline. Towards the end of the practice, the instructors had us introduce ourselves to the instructors and the other members in drumline because WE A FAMILY =] haha. So, I said my name and the others said theirs.. The instructors couldnt memerize all of our names so they nick named us. So, my instructor Catap called me Spot because I had spots in my hair. =] yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa. thats my story. =]

Kimmmy ; kim kim kim.. tsk tsk.. The first time i met you, you looked like Christmas Morning =]. Well, even tho I hardly knew you. Remember you were like MY BITCH the first day? haha. *come here kimmy!* hahahaha. Bitch ass Nigga.. =] yea, it was crackin the first couple of weeks. OH. MY. GOD. haha, and whenever it was Wednesdays I would ask you to come over and kick it at my house with Marcus, Rice, and Aliyah. Marcus STAY BEIN ON THE COMPUTER CUSS! Then aliyah&rice would go into the playroom and ahem*.. play video games i guess..? haha yeeeaaaaa.. Me&You would go upstairs and watch TV -.- HELLLLLA FUCKIIN BORIIING. haha, we'd go on my bed and watch tv and I'd lay down on your lap. every now and then I'd bite your thigh, or I'd bite your arm or something =x. "Love Bites?" aha. I'm such a peerrvv... BWUAHAHA! after I would try to bite you you'd say you'll tickle me? Fuck that shit, YOU DIDMT EVEN TICKLE ME! HAHA! you lied.. yea. we had this bad arguement but, it was all my fault.. You had nothing to do with it. I just fucked it up right there and we didnt talk for a couple weeks.. I take all the blame for that shit. =/ ANYWAYS. Kimmy; your my new friend, my nigga, and I FUCKING LOVE YOU MORE THAN SHOES!! =P I'm out. text me. =]